Attachment informed art therapy : strengthening emotional ties throughout the lifetime

Lucille Proulx
J. Stewart , 2017
ISBN 9781773029047
Approche: psychanalytique/psychologique
Problématique: ,
Support: livre
Langue: anglais

Attachment Informed Art Therapy is an innovative approach to art therapy that provides the therapist with the theories and applications needed to work with all populations in troubled or abusive relationships. This book will provide art therapists and mental health professionals with a sound, visible and empirically conceptual framework. It will be useful to professionals who use attachment theory in clinical work, and will make an excellent one-stop source for therapists working with populations of all ages, from birth to death. The discoveries of John Bowlby and other cutting-edge research in the field of attachment form the basis of the theories behind Lucille Proulx, MA, ATR, RCAT the Attachment Informed Art Therapy interventions.