Creating with others : the practice of imagination in life, art and the workplace

Shaun McNiff
Shambhala , 2003
ISBN 9781590307915
Médiations artistiques:
Public cible: groupes
Approche: processus de création, développement personnel
Support: livre
Langue: anglais

Do you believe that life within an organization means death to the creative process? That creativity is the exclusive province of « artistic types »? Wrong! Shaun McNiff shows how we can all cultivate the special kind of creative energy that is generated by people working together in groups, whether in the workplace or other cooperative communities — wherever individuals come together to pursue a common goal through dialogue, interaction, and teamwork. « Creating with Others » is designed to address group creativity in both theory and practice. McNiff draws examples from the creative arts as well as from organizational life and everyday work situations. He shows how leaders can be facilitators of creative teamwork, and how artists and other creative people can collaborate fruitfully with others. The book includes exercises and questions that can be used in courses, informal discussion groups, and interactive e-groups. It will also help individual readers—ranging from beginners to artists seeking inspiration—to reflect upon their personal relationship with creativity. Readers will find that they are never alone in the creative process. Creativity is the basic interplay of life, and we establish a vital link to its power through engagements with others.