Therapeutic uses of outdoor education

Dene S. Berman, Jennifer Davis-Berman
Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools, AEL , 2000
Médiations artistiques:
Public cible: adolescents
Approche: psychanalytique/psychologique
Support: livre
Langue: anglais

Disponible également au format numérique

This digest examines the positive effects on emotional well-being of several types of outdoor education programs. Although many outdoor education and experiential programs enhance emotional growth, such « therapeutic » outcomes may be considered incidental to program goals. In contrast, programs aimed primarily at « therapy » usually involve a process of assessment, treatment planning, counseling, and documentation of change. Adventure therapy programs often take place in the wilderness and usually are geared toward troubled youth with mental health problems. Adventure may be the sole treatment modality or an adjunct to more traditional therapy approaches. Outdoor personal growth programs are not designed as therapy but are intended to have a positive impact on general psychological well-being. College orientation programs and other college adventure programs have therapeutic effects in that they facilitate the emotional and social development of students experiencing a challenging and stressful period in life. Outdoor recreation programs do not attempt to facilitate emotional growth, but skill development and moral and social development may be secondary outcomes. Camping programs have a long history of facilitating the emotional well-being of campers. As with recreation programs, even camps that are not therapeutic in intent often work to facilitate personal growth in participants