Using contact with nature, creativity and rituals as a therapeutic medium with children with learning difficulties : a case study

Ronen Berger
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties , 2006
Médiations artistiques:
Public cible: enfants, groupes
Problématique: ,
Support: article
Langue: anglais

Disponible également au format numérique

In most cases therapy is addressed as an indoor verbal activity in which the relationship between therapist and client stands at its centre. This article proposes a different approach to therapy : conducting it creatively in nature, with the environment being used not only as a therapeutic setting but also as a medium and a partner in the process. The article is based on a case study carried out with a group of children with special needs within a school setting. It explores the therapeutic and educational impact that this approach had on the participants and on nature’s role in it. The article also aims to initiate a dialogue around the option of working with this population in non-verbal and experiential ways, illustrating the potential that the use of group work, creativity and contact with nature may offer.

[In: Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 11 (2), 135–146. – Publié en ligne : 17 fév 2007]